更新时间:2024-09-18 09:16:41




主料:(1) 水4碗(4 bowls water) 海带1条(1 konpu seaweed) 柴鱼片(明太鱼片)50克(50g bonito flakes) (2) 红花面100克(100g saffron noodles) 水云80克(80g water cloud seaweed) 山药40克(40g Japanese yam) 姜泥1/4茶匙(1/4t mashed ginger) 即食紫菜5克(5g ready-to-serve seaweed)淡色薄盐酱油1大匙(1T light soy sauce with less salt) 苹果醋1茶匙(1t apple vinegar) 糖1大匙(1T sugar)







6.将水云、即食紫菜盛入另外一个盘子里,接着淋上山药泥及姜泥,配红花面及酱料蘸食。1.To make bonito soup broth:Clean konpu seaweed gently with a dry clean cloth(fig.1),then trim into small sections with scissors(fig.2). Soak in water overnight,then remove konpu seaweed and reserve the liquid from soaking the seaweed. 2.Bring the liquid from soaking seaweed to a boil,add bonito flakes and cover tightly. Remove from heat and simmer for 3 minutes. Pour the liquid through a cheesecloth to discard the dregs(fig.3). This is the bonito soup broth. 3.Soak water cloud seaweed in water for 10 minutes (fig.4). Remove and rinse out the saltiness with cold cooked water,then drain well. 4.Peel Japanese yam and grind yam until well-mashed. Combine seasonings well with 1C of bonito soup broth. Bring to a boil and let cool. Soak ready-to-serve seaweed in boiling water for 3 minutes until swollen,then drain. 5.Cook noodles in boiling water until done and remove to soak in ice water until cool. Remove and drain well,then remove to serving plate. 6.With water cloud seaweed and ready-to-serve seaweed in a saucer. Drizzle with masher yam and mashed ginger.Serve saffron noodles and dipping sauce on the side. Serve.


水云是海苔的一种,状似海菜,比较粗,有干、湿两种(超市有售)。本作法是采用湿水云。因湿水云含盐分较高,处理时需将盐味完全洗掉,才不会咸得难以入口。Water cloud seaweed is a type of thick seaweed. It comes in dried and wet forms. This recipe uses wet water cloud seaweed,which is relatively salty. Rinse salt away thoroughly or it will be too salty to serve.
